
STOP THE PRESSES! Or turn-on the cameras??

We recently trained Our Love Support peer educators in the photo-voice technique (using photography as an entry-point, into discussion on particular issue, in our case HIV/AIDS & Sexual Reproductive Health). We have since equipped them with cameras and they are busy strategizing on photos that they are going to take in their communities which are related to Sexual and Reproductive Health,

Our peer educators, will use these photos, and the accompanying stories they write, when they hold group discussions on different topics in their communities. We have found that sometimes, it’s hard, to simply start talking about “sexual abuse” for example, in a group, but by using photographs, the people involved do not necessarily have to talk about their own experience directly. Our experience has shown that this helps build trust, and over time, people that may have gone through some these experiences, choose to speak, in private or publicly about the particular theme or issue.

Are there issues in your own community that you could begin to address using PhotoVoice? Perhaps you have already tried it? What was the result?

We will keep you updated! And we would also love to hear from you!

Happy Snapping!

The Love Support Team


Love Support Team Hosts UNAIDS Country Representative

The Love Support Team and National Youth Network on Population and Development today hosted Ms Catherine Sozi to discuss the situation of youth and HIV in Zambia.

Ms Sozi couraged young people to be creative and get advantage of global funds money to address there HIV situation. she also praised initiatives such as Love support as key to the fight against HIV.


Zambia Profesor Buys Love Support condoms

A zambia profesor at University of Zambia bought a love support condoms at youth vision because he loves the idea and most importantly to give to his 16 year old daughther.

The profesor said he hopes the condoms will facilitate discussion on sexuality with her teenage daughter.

Many parents in Zambia do not communicate with there children on sex issues. But with the help of projects like love support parents are now able to discuss sexuality issues with parents.

Love Support Team Host 25 US Students

The Love Support team hosted 25 students from Sao Jose state Univesity from United Staes of America. While in Zambia the US Students did some community counseling and help the team to do peer education and distribute condoms.

It will be very interesting to have young people from Sweden for a Sweden Youth Love support to Zambia.

We look forward to welcoming you guys to Zambia.


with 51,000 We have helped to reduce 51,000 Possible HIV transmision and Helped to Prevent 51,000 possible Teenage and unplanned pregnances.

Sorry for the statement in the earlier posting.
Dear Friends,

Another Lovely update from Kafue Zambia. For your comments on Love Support Blogg its really encouraging. With you help Youth Vison trained 16 Peer Educators and condom distributors, so far from June 1st to July 20th, we have distributed 51,000 condoms meaning we together we have helped 51,000 possible unplanned pregnances , 51,000 possible HIV infection, 51,000 possilble STIs.

We had 3 Youth insaka in communities and 3 Youth Insakas. Insaka is a Zambia word which means a place where community Leaders meet to discuss issues affecting the community. with Love support we are using this concept to gather young people to discuss there issues and issues effectiong the community like HIV and so on.

Keep buying love support CONDOMS and help Zambian youth. and probably welcome you to Zambia soon


Love Support Hits Kafue

Dear friends and supporters of Unite for Africa and Love Support. We are happy to inform you that with your support Youth Vision Zambia has started implementing activities in communities in Kafue Zambia.

Kafue is a small town 40km outside Lusaka the capital city of Zambia. This place was an industrial area but now all the industries are closed resulting in high rates of poverty, HIV infections and HIgh teenage pregances as many young people turn to sell sex as main aim of income.

With your support we want to turn round this situation and make sure that the young people of Kafue because responsible and reverse the trands of HIV so that they can enjoy life as equal citizens of this world.

We thank you all for your continued support to Zambia.


Love Support Condoms overshadows Real Man Real Woman Launch

Youth Vision Zambia on 11th May displayed love support condoms at the launch of the Real Man Real Woman campaign with more than 30 organsitions in attendance. The Condoms attracted attention and people wanted to know more about the project and if the condoms will be sold in Zambia. The first lady who was a guest of honour at the launch pick some love support and we are proud to say that we have Love support condoms in the state house.

Different NGOs and donor organisations lined up to pick or ask question on the love support condoms.

In short we need more love support condoms in Zambia.



Love Support!

We are excited to write our 1st blog for Love Support! Sitting around the office, one crisp Monday morning, we had a spontaneous discussion of what Love Support meant to us individually. Wish you could have been there to hear the discussion. Though here are some of ideas that stood out:

Love Support means
“making love responsibly”; (needless to say that this comment, was followed by lots of giggling!)
(or more technically, using condoms to prevent the spread of HIV & AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies – wow, somehow ‘making love responsibly, seems easier to say!)

“a chance to connect and interact with youth from around the world”

“Showcase YVZ activities with the rest of world”

“learning experience for youth in Nordic countries and Zambia

We look forward to connecting with you, to welcoming the winners to Zambia, and to sharing our programmes and our passion and LOVE for Zambia.. We will write blogs atleast once a week, and would also love to hear from you.

As a start: What does LOVE SUPPORT mean to you?


YVZ Love Support Team


Welcome to the Love Support Blog!
